The Great East Japan Earthquake, as it is known by locals, is the most powerful earthquake in Japan since modern record-keeping, having a magnitude of 8.9 on the Mercalli scale.
Hitting without warning at 02:46PM on March 11th, 2011, the earthquake shook most of Japan, destroying buildings and injuring people in the process.
Given its underwater epicenter, the movement of the earth's crust also resulted in a tsunami being formed.
Waves of up to 133 feet have been recorded as a result of the earthquake. Once the tsunami reached the coasts of Eastern Japan, it ripped through cities, towns and fields, taking with it all that was left behind.
Waters at times traveled up to 6 miles inland. The tsunami was so powerful that the entire island of Honshu, which constitutes most of Japan, moved 8 feet eastwards.
Since Japan runs on a lot of nuclear power, the tsunami resulted in the extremely dangerous damage of one of the plants in the area, the Fukushima Daiichi. Four of the six reactor buildings have been damaged by fires and explosions, resulting in the cooling system's failures. Radiation has spilled out of the power plant and into the surrounding areas, carried by wind, rain and other means.
A no-man zone has been setup by the government. Rolling power outages and other problems have resulted from such incident, including more people losing their homes and lives. The map below shows the various effects of getting too close to the no-man zone. The US has issued all US citizens to stay at least 80 kilometers from the plant.
Destruction from the three disasters is immense. Supply chains, transportation networks, and support services have been disrupted since March 11th.
Although Japan has been recovering for the past six months, damages are estimated to run up to $235 billion. Countless have lost their homes, belongings and jobs in the process.
The Human Toll
The earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disasters have taken their biggest toll on human lives. Around 15,658 people have been confirmed dead, while another 4,979 are still missing. Although months have passed, rubble is still being cleared, and bodies are still being found. 75,000 children have been profoundly affected by these disasters as well as countless others.
Millions of people have already mobilized to aid Japan, but the staggering levels of destruction means more is still needed. Giving even a little means a lot to someone who has lost it all. Maybe you will pass on your next burger, your next night out, or even something bigger by donating, but I believe that the act of kindness you provide pervades through the universe, and ultimately makes our world a better place.
All donations are tax-deductible, and are guaranteed to boost your self-perception, as well as give you fuzzy feelings when you are feeling down. =)
Millions of people have already mobilized to aid Japan, but the staggering levels of destruction means more is still needed. Giving even a little means a lot to someone who has lost it all. Maybe you will pass on your next burger, your next night out, or even something bigger by donating, but I believe that the act of kindness you provide pervades through the universe, and ultimately makes our world a better place.
All donations are tax-deductible, and are guaranteed to boost your self-perception, as well as give you fuzzy feelings when you are feeling down. =)