A pretty non-descript day overall. My body is beyond tired and I slowly make my way west through Shikoku. Nothing memorable happened today. The only things I can complain about are the extreme saddle soreness I am experiencing, and the crappy meal I have for lunch. I am starving and go inside the first restaurant I saw. The pictures outside look bad.....imagine the food. It's not even Japanese food. It is like the Japanese version of Denny's, except way worse.
Throughout the day, Buddhist pilgrims keep passing me by. They are all going the opposite direction. One of them, an old man, yells gambatte (good luck) to me as we cross paths. I say it back and he laughs with the most jolliest of laughs. I also burst out in my own jolly laugh as a result while I walk my bike past him. Funny!
Shikoku, for being the smallest island, gives a feeling of vastness. I see snow at the peak of the most majestic mountains. Winter is coming. I feel it. It's 7 degrees Celcius. ........Cold.
I should do 100km and reach Matsuyama, but my body says no. I think I need a whole day just to relax or my legs will be like this all the time. Fortunately, 2 days away is Beppu.....Japan's onsen capital! The entire town is a big thermal bath! Pshhh! Fantastic times a-comin' my way!
Anyways, there are about 9 days left for me to get to the tip of Japan. If I make it before then, even better. For the past 4 days, I have begun to see palms. Exciting stuff.....I know. But for someone who has been slowly traversing a whole country, you take notice and even appreciate such little details. It was an awesome site to see the first palm because.....well, I have been heading south since a semi-artic environment. Palms mean......I am almost there. The land is changing.
The Baddest Dude Ever
As I cycle looking at my palms, I see the baddest man I have ever come across. A biker. He is heading in the opposite direction as me, and as I get closer, I realize he is holding his motorcycle's handlebar.....with his feet! With his arms crossed, sitting comfortably roaring through the country road, he slowly turns his head toward me, and from inside his helmet, his firey eyes stare me down, like two fireballs from hell. I have to stop and look back to make sure I didn't just imagine that. The biker roars on into the distance, never moving from that position. .......One bad man.............. These are the kind of people you meet on the road. You gotta love it. A whole different breed of men out here.
Shijo Town
This is where I end up at the end of the day. A little rural but somewhat industrial port town. I find a hotel, and that's that for today.
I am almost there. Almost at the end. Sometimes I look at the map and think how long ago I was still back up in the far north, starting this adventure. But.....all things must come to an end. Even this. In a way I am sad. I don't want to leave Japan yet, nor do I want to say goodbye to this great adventure. But.....I am glad it is almost over because I do have a great family, a nice home, a job full of wonderful people waiting for me back in Florida. Plus....I just got the news that my bro is coming home for Christmas. If you don't know my brother, imagine me....but worst, way more adventurous. The man left home at 16....never stopped moving around since. So, seeing my brother is like having dinner with president. It's really unlikely, but if it happens...really awesome! Furthermore, let me taint my reputation by saying that the sequel to my favorite videogame will be available upon my return! Time to enjoy seeing someone else struggle and get hurt on their own adventure! Sweet!
Ah man....I am going to make the most out of these last days in the land of the rising sun. Sigh.......
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