Saturday, November 19, 2011

DAY 47: Farewell Honshu

They told me it was going to rain today. It does. The clouds cover the skies completely as I look out my hotel room window. It's cold, wet, and full of mountains outside. I really really do not feel like getting up today. Fortunately.....breakfeast is included, and so I use it as an excuse to stay indoors for a bit longer. At the record-breaking time of 9am, I leave.

Non-Stop Rain
Water and more water all day. The countryside is cold and full of mist. The mountains are surprisingly not that bad today. I think, although there is definitely an up and down aspect, it seems I have more downhill slopes today.

Energy at Last!
I don't know why, but I find myself pushing hard today. Although the trinity of evil elements plus cold weather is upon me, I still go strong. I am covered from head to toe with basically all the clothes I have. Underneath my scarf, a grin comes out. I am, surprisingly.... loving this. Perhaps that massive dinner I had with Yuki finally got to my muscles. Or perhaps, the folly of the situation has become so evident that only my madness can get me out of this place. I am pedaling so hard that my entire body is enveloped in heat. The small opening of my scarf allows a thick jet of steam to come out each time I exhale. I feel like a locomotive.

I eat only a sandwich all day. The rain does not cease. At half way, I am already completely soaken wet. I am supposed to reach the port of Wakayama to get to the next island today but having started late, it seems unlikely. My legs are strong but my shoulder begins to give me a tad bit of trouble. I have a ridiculous fall in a gas station, having lost my balance. Fortunately, I was barely moving, but my collar bone bothers me every so often since then.

Don't Give Up
It is 3pm, and I am nowhere close to Wakayama. However, although the wind and rain keep hitting hard, I decide to keep going to a hotel 30km away. It is my usual fight against time now. I rush and rush, but my once incredible spurt of energy has now left me, and even my eyes, having taken water all day, are beginning to feel dry and heavy. My neck is stiff from sitting in the same position. The sky slowly begins to darken. I haven't seen the sun once today.

Each kilometer is endless at the end, but I reach the hotel. It's over budget and looks like dung. Whatever. Before I even take off my helmet, I go into the bathroom and turn on the hot water to fill the.tub. I bathe. Bliss. Finally. I love this part of the day....

I go out walking. Of course, now that I am done, the rain is gone. I take my time but eventually find a good Sushi train restaurant. I stuff down 16 sushi. Gotta love cycling.....I can eat as much as I want again. I return to the hotel and realize that by leaving my window open to air the place out, I am now infested with mosquitos. Damn it.

Regardless, it has been a great cycling day. Tomorrow I will board the ship at nearby Wakayama and leave Honshu, the largest island, the one that has Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and most of the things I have seen on this trip. It has been great, and it has been difficult. If Hokkaido was the appetizer, Honshu was the main dish. But I am still not full yet. I have two islands left, and only 10 days to do them, reach the southern tip, pack my bike, and catch my flight home. Tomorrow......Shikoku, the smallest ilsland.......uhm....the side dish! Goodnight!

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